Thursday, September 4, 2014

The Singles Project Episode 1.04

Today I’m writing about the new show on Bravo, The Singles Project. This show is unlike most other reality shows in that it is filmed week to week. Each episode we watch the singles go out on dates, and as viewers, we give our input and advice using social media. Viewers can even vote to decide whom the singles go on dates with. It’s an interesting social experiment, and I‘m curious to see how it all works out.

I usually break down episodes as they happen scene by scene, but in this case, I am going to discuss each cast member individually, so there will be some overlap, and some events are not chronologically ordered.

This week we saw Ericka go on a motorcycle date around Manhattan followed by picnic with Francesco. This is the couple’s second date together, and they seem to like each other. Although, when he pulled up and told Ericka to get on the motorcycle in her dress and high heels, the look on Ericka’s face suggested she was seconds away from bolting. She decided to be a good sport and jumped on the back of the motorcycle. The date went well. Francesco is a charming and sweet guy. He seems perfect… a little too perfect. Later in the episode, we see Erika having coffee with her mother who says exactly what I was thinking, basically that he seems too good to be true. Ericka needs to listen to her mother; Mother knows best! Ericka calls her mother cynical, but I say she is experienced in the ways of the world. Ericka’s mother also tells her to give Dr. Lee a chance. We see Ericka go to Kerry’s birthday party with Francesco, but she has a little chat with Dr. Lee on the balcony… I’ll get to that part later.

Joey, aka the god of the sculpted eyebrow, was dating Anthony, but there was only a physical attraction with no chemistry. As I have learned, without chemistry a relationship gets boring very quickly. Joey decided to break it off with Anthony. However, Anthony turns into a stalker and shows up at the bar accusing Joey of texting him to see him off camera. On this week’s episode, Joey sort of admits to this, but not really. He admits to texting Anthony, but he does not admit to suggesting that they date off camera. We’ll never know exactly what happened, but it seems Joey regrets sending that text, and he is officially moving on, as I think he should. Joey goes on a date with Warner, a model/artist from Detroit. The viewers picked Warner to be Joey’s next date from last week. The two of them go out to dinner where Warner tells Joey about his art. Semen soaked sheets with drugs and alcohol everywhere is a crime scene photo, not art. But that’s just my opinion… Joey does not seem to be interested in Warner. I doubt they will go out again, and I don’t really see them as a good match. I must say, I do like the friendship budding between Joey and Tabasum. They have a good time together, and I think they give each other good advice.

Kerry and her friend Taylor, the two of them being the old lady version of Clueless, discuss an upcoming double date with a gynecologist and artist. Kerry states that she doesn’t want to date either a gyno or an artist… yet she agreed to the double date… The girls meet up with Steve, the gynecologist, and Tripp, the artist, and the four of them go to a crappy Chinese restaurant for dinner. From the beginning, I could tell Kerry was a tightly wound and hyper girl—I don’t know if I can say “woman”. She’s like a Chihuahua on crack. If I were on a date with her, I’d very quickly become ill and have to leave. I’d then proceed to change my phone number to ensure no further contact was possible… However, Tripp seems to enjoy Kerry’s manic personality, as the two of them regress back to being 12 years old and walk down fake stairs and take a fake elevator… I felt so sorry for the other people in the restaurant who had to witness this. Apparently, Kerry has just turned 13, and she is having a birthday party. Of course she invites these two guys she just met to the party… Later at the party, Tripp shows up. This is technically their second date, right? So why does Kerry think it’s time to introduce him to her mother?! Awkward!

When we first see Lee in this episode, he is dating Saida. I believe this is their second date. She asks him a direct question about how he feels about Ericka. Lee hesitates, and Saida doesn’t like that. I can’t say I blame her. If your mind is on someone else while we’re building our relationship, you’re not fully committed, and I’m wasting my time. Saida ends the date abruptly and walks out on Lee… Poor guy! He’s sweet and seems great, but that’s two out of three dates who have walked out on him; that’s not a good percentage. I hope things turn around for him soon. We see Lee talking to his brother about asking Ericka out on a date. I think he was looking for some moral support from his brother, but I’m not quite sure he got what he was looking for… Later at Kerry’s party he approaches Ericka who is standing with her date, Francesco. I could feel the awkwardness through the television, and it didn’t help that as Lee spoke to Francesco, there was a strange and even more awkward miscommunication. Later in the evening, seeing Ericka alone on the balcony, Lee takes his chance and approaches Ericka. He boldly says, “I saw you with your date, and it bothered me.” He then makes an even bolder move and asks her out… In my opinion, Lee had some real guts to ask her out like that. That alone should be a reason to give him one shot at a date. However, Ericka is reluctant; she seems afraid. Lee is sensing a rejection, which is the last thing he wants right now, so he gracefully leaves saying, “I’ll let you think about it…” All I have to say is, Ericka, if you’re reading this, go out with the man! Give him a chance!

We don’t see too much of Brian on this episode. We see him go on his second date with Nicole; they go bowling. At one point during the date Nicole calls herself shy… but she agreed to date someone on national television… That is not something a shy person would do. Does she really expect us to buy that? Nicole then drops the bomb that her dad is a minister, and she’s saving herself for “the one at the altar”… Brian understandably gets uncomfortable with some of this. I’m not sure if it’s enough to make him want to stop seeing Nicole, but there are definitely some red flags up in his mind. Later in the episode, Brian goes home to Staten Island to visit his family. While there a family friend flirts with him and even asks if he wants to “go for a walk”, but Brian turns her down. It seems to me that Brian is not that interested in finding a relationship. He may feel familial or societal pressures that it’s time to settle down and get serious, but I just don’t feel his heart is in it. He is very disinterested during his dates. Does anyone else get that impression?

I really like Tabasum. She seems like a genuine and intelligent woman. I was upset that she wasn’t in much of this episode. I really want her to find a worthy guy to date. She makes a great friend to Joey, and she gives him great advice. Previously, we saw Francesco, the guy dating Ericka, flirt with Tabasum. He seemed to be giving her the signals that he was interested and leading her on, but he never asked her out. Tabasum stands up for herself, like a strong woman does, and she confronts Francesco at Kerry’s birthday party. I’m sure she didn’t get the response she was looking for, but just getting that off her chest probably made her feel better.

How are you enjoying the show? Do you think it’s working? Are any of these singles any closer to finding a relationship, or are they wasting their time? Let me know what you think, and be sure to tune in next week to see what’s next for these fearless lovers.

1 comment:

  1. Disagree with about everything you said. Tabasum was jealous that a guy saw something better walk in and she lost his attention. All he did was walk her to the bar. He was being polite. She invited herself to go with him.

    Lee is a player and seems to be only interested in sex with very young women. He is immature and not worthy of Ericka.

    Brian seems nice and was interested in the date with Nicole but the not wanting children thing is a deal breaker for most women. He will have to date an older woman who already has children.
