Thursday, August 21, 2014

Pretty Little Liars Episode 5.11

Today’s blog post is discussing the most recent episode of Pretty Little Liars. I have watched Pretty Little Liars from the beginning. And in the beginning it was entertaining and even moderately believable. A girl goes missing and eventually turns up dead. The girl’s friends, who were her accomplices in illegal activity and who were with her the night she went missing, start getting threatening texts from a mysterious stalker named “A”. Intriguing, right? Well it was, but with the addition of a million different characters who flip flop from psychotic to sympathetic, this dramatic thriller has turned into a soap-operatic circus. Every week I’m more and more convinced that David Lynch is secretly directing all of these episodes. Kyle MacLachlan is waiting in the wings for his cameo… However, I keep watching the show because I just want to get some answers. I’m too invested to turn back now. Will we ever find out who “A” is or are? Probably not… But let’s get into this week’s episode.

Most of the episode titles have been either puns or clever stylizations with the letter “A”. So what wonderful and fun title did the writers have for us this week? “No One Here Can Love or Understand Me”… Really? That sounds like the beginning of a “Dear Abby” letter…

This episode furthered three of the thousands of ongoing plot lines. First of all, we have the main storyline dealing with Alison. Is Alison still playing games and toying with everyone in Rosewood? Of course not! She just ran away and magically lost all of her sociopathic tendencies, pretended to be dead, and then made up a kidnapping story to cover her ass when she rose from the grave. But she’s totally normal now… Thankfully the other girls are finally wising up to the fact that Alison can’t be trusted, and they want to tell the truth. But wait! It’s never that easy. They are taunted by A with a photograph of Alison visiting Hannah in the hospital in season 1. They decide, with this evidence, they can’t possibly come clean… Ummm… But why? At the time, the girls were convinced that Hannah was dreaming because Alison was thought to be dead. Just tell the truth. And furthermore, are we supposed to believe that A was in the hospital room taking pictures of Alison’s visit without either Alison or Hannah seeing him/her? Considering that photo was a full on headshot of Alison (I mean, she could take that to a modeling agency…), I’m pretty sure whoever took it would have been seen… Anyway, at the end of the episode, Lt. “Jerry curl” Tanner drops the bombshell that one of the girls has decided to come forward with the truth. But who? We’ll find out next week…

The second major plot line in this episode was the murder of Alison’s body double, Bethany Young. Melissa leaves a recording for Spencer where she explains what she claims happened. Melissa says that she saw Spencer dragging a shovel away from what she thought was Alison’s dead body lying next to a perfectly dug grave. She cares for Spencer so much that she just has to cover up this horrible crime. So she dumps the body into the grave and buries it. However, the body was actually Bethany Young wearing Alison’s clothes, and Bethany was still alive. Somehow Melissa manages to choke out a line from The Tempest while she’s confessing to murdering someone. However, I don’t buy it for one second. Melissa never thinks of anyone but herself. She knows Spencer was under the influence that night. I think Melissa killed Bethany thinking it was Alison, but she’s trying to make Spencer believe she was covering for Spencer to get her support and sympathy. That’s just my theory.

The last plot line in last night’s episode was dumb and a cheap conclusion to an already bad story. To those of you who did not watch Ravenswood, I offer you my congratulations for not having wasted a good chunk of you life. It was a ridiculous and poorly acted supernatural soap opera. Of course, it lasted only one season, and ended on somewhat of a cliffhanger. Since Caleb was a main character of Ravenswood, the producers decided to use this episode to tie up some loose ends from that train wreck of a show. And even that was done poorly… Since Caleb has been back in Rosewood, he has been drinking like a frat boy, even though he is an emo, misunderstood hipster; I don’t think he realized the paradox. Hannah, with the help of Spencer and a slightly sexually tense scene between Caleb and Toby, tries to have an intervention and find out what is bothering Caleb. To all of our shock, Caleb is moody and refuses to talk about it… But then ten minutes later spill the entire Ravenswood story to Hannah complete with a swarm of fireflies representing spirits… Seriously? They truly just threw that entire idea and show into the trash. That’s where it needs to be, but what a waste of time and money. And of course, as Caleb is spilling the entire supernatural and over-the-top story to Hannah, she just sits there and acts like everything he is saying is normal and makes perfect sense… I truly watched the entire scene with my mouth open in disbelief. I’m so glad that story is over.

The summer finale airs next week. Apparently, someone will die… They act like this is big news. Someone always seems to be dying in these finales. Well, we will see what happens. Let me know if you liked my summary and discussion and if you’d like me to do next week’s episode. Tomorrow you can read my fashion blog, and next Tuesday I’m thinking of covering Rich Kids of Beverly Hills and Real Housewives of Melbourne.

Feedback is always appreciated. Leave a comment. :)

1 comment:

  1. My sons girlfriend loved this I dont watch anymore so I showed her!
